Ramar X-Ray,Scan,E.C.G & Computerised Lab

Welcome to Ramar Computerised Lab

Ramar X-Ray,Scan,E.C.G & Computerised - service as Quality of Care Services

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Welcome to Ramar Computerised Lab

Ramar X-Ray,Scan,E.C.G & Computerised - service as Quality of


Welcome to Ramar Computerised Lab

Ramar X-Ray,Scan,E.C.G & Computerised - service as Standards of Treatment

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Welcome to Ramar Computerised Lab

Ramar X-Ray,Scan,E.C.G & Computerised - service as Holistic Treatments


Welcome to Ramar Computerised Lab

Ramar X-Ray,Scan,E.C.G & Computerised - Lab service as Comprehensive Care





No 56/2, New No.111,Mint Street,Chennai-600079

An electroencephalogram (EEG) is a recording of brain activity.

During the test, small sensors are attached to the scalp to pick up the electrical signals produced when brain cells send messages to each other. These signals are recorded by a machine and are looked at by a doctor later to see if they’re unusual. The EEG procedure is usually carried out by a highly trained specialist called a clinical neuro physiologist during a short visit to hospital.

Ramar X-Ray,Scan,E.C.G & Computerised Lab is a Radiological imaging centre in the Mint Street. This scans centre provides a complete range of high quality health care investigation services under one roof.